Page Number :81
ستاد فرهنگسازی اقتصاد دانش بنیان German scientists make paralyzed mice walk again

German scientists make paralyzed mice walk again

German researchers have enabled mice paralyzed after spinal cord injuries to walk again, re-establishing a neural link hitherto considered irreparable in mammals by using a designer protein injected into the brain.

ستاد فرهنگسازی اقتصاد دانش بنیان Retinal transplant boost opens door to treat eyesight loss

Retinal transplant boost opens door to treat eyesight loss

Dying retinal cells send out a rescue signal to recruit stem cells and repair eye damage, according to the findings of a new study published today in the journal Molecular Therapy. The findings open the door to restoring eyesight by modifying stem cells to follow the signal and transplanting them into the eye.

ستاد فرهنگسازی اقتصاد دانش بنیان Stem cell-coated biomaterial speeds up fracture repair

Stem cell-coated biomaterial speeds up fracture repair

Scientists at King’s College London (UK) have developed a bandage-like biomaterial that enables the transplantation of bone-forming stem cells directly into bone fractures, dramatically speeding up the healing process.
