Page Number :179
ستاد فرهنگسازی اقتصاد دانش بنیان Stroke: Preventing the damage by acting on the neuronal environment

Stroke: Preventing the damage by acting on the neuronal environment

With over 300 cases per day in France, stroke is the leading cause of handicap among adults, and the second cause of death. Eighty to 85 percent are caused by the occlusion of a cerebral artery by a blood clot (ischemic stroke), with nearby neurons dying because of oxygen deprivation.

ستاد فرهنگسازی اقتصاد دانش بنیان A cure for HIV? Feasible but not yet realized

A cure for HIV? Feasible but not yet realized

This week a team of scientists and physicians from the U.K. published news of a second HIV positive man, in London, who is in long-term (18-month) HIV remission after undergoing treatment for Hodgkins lymphoma. The unexpected success has launched a new round of discussion about a potential cure for HIV.

ستاد فرهنگسازی اقتصاد دانش بنیان    The brains support cells show defective development in Huntingtons disease

The brains support cells show defective development in Huntingtons disease

The neurological disorder Huntingtons disease causes behavioural and motor changes, which among other things are a result of dysfunctional maturation or formation of glial cells, the brains support cells, researchers from the University of Copenhagen demonstrate in a new study based on mouse trials.

ستاد فرهنگسازی اقتصاد دانش بنیان Platelets grown from stem cells may be alternative to donated platelets

Platelets grown from stem cells may be alternative to donated platelets

Researchers have developed a way to grow human platelets in the laboratory from stem cells derived from fat tissue. The achievement, reported today in the journal Blood, suggests manufactured platelets could eventually reduce the reliance on donated platelets to help patients with cancer and other disorders.

ستاد فرهنگسازی اقتصاد دانش بنیان Why the sense of smell declines in old age

Why the sense of smell declines in old age

As mammals age, their sense of smell deteriorates. In a study published in the journal Cell Reports, an interdisciplinary research team at Helmholtz Zentrum München and the University Medical Centre Mainz investigated why this is the case

ستاد فرهنگسازی اقتصاد دانش بنیان Effects of spaceflight on heart cell formation from stem cells

Effects of spaceflight on heart cell formation from stem cells

Researchers used time-lapse imaging to show that mouse induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) grown during spaceflight differentiated into cardiomyocytes significantly faster than similar cells grown at Earths gravity. The robust cardiomyocyte formation at microgravity, which lasted for 10 days, is described in an article published in Stem Cells and Development.
