Autism Stem Cell Therapy

Autism spectrum disorder affects an individual’s ability to communicate and form relationships with other people from early childhood. Autism also affects an individual’s ability to use language as well as abstract concepts.

Autism spectrum disorder affects an individual’s ability to communicate and form relationships with other people from early childhood. Autism also affects an individual’s ability to use language as well as abstract concepts.

There are many ways of treating autism that range from applied behavioral analysis to specialized speech, physical and occupation therapies. All these treatments are focused on dealing with the language, social and behavioral symptoms of autistic patients. StemCells21 revolutionary stem cell therapy program for autism can improve conditions of children suffering with this condition.

Autism stem cell therapy: How stem cell therapy can treat autism

Recent research studies also show that stem cell therapy can be used to treat autism by addressing root causes of the disease like oxygen deprivation, immune function disorder and inflammation. Stem cell therapy for autism utilizes stem cells acquired from the umbilical cord (mesenchymal stem cells). StemCells21 autism stem cell therapy program works toward decreasing increase angiogenesis and blood flow to the brain, immune modulation and inflammation control in patients with autism alleviating autistic symptoms. The therapy has also been found to help in brain development for younger autistic children.

Autism stem cell therapy focuses on restoring lost or impaired neuron connections, forming new neuron connections and speeding up brain reactions by improving synaptic transmission and the development of new neuron connections.

Improvements experienced by autistic patients after stem cell therapy include increased; immunity, metabolism, communication ability, memory and learning capacity. Patients experience improvements in verbal skills, writing skills, self-care skills, attention span, concentration and tolerance to different foods.





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