A Newly Discovered Type of Stem Cell Could Allow Scientists to Make Organs in a Dish

University of Copenhagen researchers used a mouse model to discover an alternate path that some cells follow to build organs and exploit a new kind of stem cell as a possible supply of organs in a dish. Extra-embryonic stem cells are a new stem cell line identified by the same research team a few years ago. They help the gastrointestinal organs by acting as key support cells that supply membranes, nourishment for the membranes, and other functions. Scientists at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark, have discovered that stem cells can be steered to form organoid structures similar to those of the liver, pancreas, lung, and intestine. The findings were published in the journal Nature Cell Biology by researchers at the University of Copenhagen.

Scientists have discovered stem cells that resemble the starting point for the second or alternative route of organ formation—and could help us to treat and study disease. These stem cells originate from a different part of the embryo than pluripotent stem cells, and they resemble the beginnings of intestinal structures in a dish.


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