52 companies and 15 Stem cell accelerators, promoting technology commercialization


52 companies and 15 accelerators are promoting technology commercialization of products related to the field of stem cell and regenerative medicine.

Comprehensive stem cell and regenerative medicine centers have been set up as one of the most important structures in transforming universities into third-generation with a focus on developing science based economics.

Supporting 11 comprehensive centers and 2 universities

Since 2016, 11 comprehensive centers in major medical universities and also Tarbiat Modares and Sharif University of Technology and Royan Research Institute have been supported by vice presidency for science and Technology.

 Objectives of comprehensive centers in the field of commercialization and technology, includes consulting and patent registration support, participation in organizing creative events, supporting technology and product-oriented projects, attracting the participation of pharmaceutical companies and investors, providing consulting and mentoring services for technology ideas, attracting and the establishment of innovative knowledge-based companies and collaboration with active accelerators in the field of stem cell and regenerative medicine.

Activity of accelerators

Over 52 companies and 15 accelerators in this field are located in the comprehensive centers of stem cell and regenerative medicine. Accelerators since the production and localization of stem cell products can have a significant impact on the development of these sciences. Knowledge-based companies with support of comprehensive centers have been able to achieve valuable production successes. Including Production of Eye Wound Adhesives and Smart Skin Wounds", Corona Virus Diagnostic Kits", "Recombinant Protein Types " and Mesenchyme Cell and Orthocell".

 Communication and Information Center of the Vice President for Science and Technology

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